Badaling Great Wall
75km (47 miles) northwest of Beijing, the Badaling Great Wall is typical of the wall during the Ming dynasty (1368-1644AD). This section of the Great Wall attracts the most tourists as they enjoy walking along the stretches of the wall and also because the gigantic feat of construction is most impressive. Guard rails and cable cars make Badaling a safe and almost easy way to see the Great Wall.
The government has restored this part of the wall so that every tower and turret stands just as it did when the Mongols overran the country 700 years ago. Observation holes are available on the upper part of the battlements. Badaling is also the outer gate to Juyoung pass, a strategic defense post for Beijing during the Ming dynasty.
This section of the wall also houses a museum of Chinese history, which includes a photo gallery and the Great Wall Circle Vision Theater, a 360 degree amphitheater which shows a 15 minute film on the history and legends of the wall.